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Mar 15, 2020

Crunch Time

Crunch Time

Passage: Matthew 26:36-46

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: The Last 24


John 18:4


The benefits of doing the will of God are always greater than the costs. 


Matt. 26:36-46


  1. Crunch Time Involves Seeking The Will Of God.

Matt. 26:39

Matt. 26:42

Matt. 26:44

Luke 2:49

John 4:34

John 6:38

John 5:30

Josh. 9:14-15


  1. Crunch Time Includes Struggling With The Will of God.

Matt. 20:38

Luke 24:44

Matt. 10:28

Matt. 26:39

Rom. 13:13-14


III.  Crunch Time Invites Surrendering To The Will Of God.

Matt. 26:39

Matt. 26:42


If the price of an action defies God's will, the cost will always be too high.