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May 15, 2022

Evaluating How We Evaluate

Evaluating How We Evaluate

Passage: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: First Corinthians


KALA: Do you like to know what is required of you or are you ok with things being left open?


Corporate Prayer: Psa. 119:161-168


  • Praise the Lord for how His Word has brought you peace.
  • Praise the Lord for how His Word has led you.
  • Lord, please bring the peace of Your Word into….
  • Father grant me a deeper love for Your Word because…
  • Holy Spirit would you bring salvation to…
  • We praise You Lord for Your Word. We stand in awe of Your Word. We rejoice that we get to hear Your Word again this morning. May You teach us to hate falsehood and to love Your Word. We believe that as we walk according to Your Word we will never stumble. Give us hearts that deeply desire to obey Your commandments.  We know all our ways are before You! You are our great God and we worship You! In Jesus’ name, Amen.


1 Cor. 4:1-5


1. We can evaluate based on a proper estimation.


A. We are to be servants who are under the authority of the Word.
B. We are to be stewards who are over the affairs of the Word.


2. We can evaluate based on a pressing expectation.


1 Cor. 4:17


3. We can evaluate based on a particular examination.


A. We shouldn’t be concerned with other’s judgment.
B. We shouldn’t be concerned with our own judgment.


Jer. 17:9


C. We should be concerned with only one judgment.


Jer. 17:9-10