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Aug 15, 2021

Sainthood 101: The Basics on Saints

Sainthood 101: The Basics on Saints

Passage: Philippians 4:21-23

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Jailhouse Journal: A Joyous Advancement of the Gospel



Cooperate Prayer: Psalm 133:1-3


Phil. 4:20-23


  1. The reality of the saints.

a. Saints are singled out by Christ.

b. Saints are set apart for Christ.

c. Saints are situated in Christ.


Gal. 2:20

1 Cor. 1:1-2


  1. The response of the saints.

a. Saints pursue particular actions of faith based on Truth.

Rom. 11:33

b. Saints pursue personal affection for the Father based on Truth.

John 1:12

John 4:23

Rom. 8:15


  1. The relationships of the saints.

a. Saints are expressive of love for their siblings.

b. Saints are exceptionally lending of their support.

c. Saints are on equal levels in their standing.


1 Cor. 15:10


  1. The resources of the saints.

a. Saints have the clear gospel of Jesus.

Phil. 1:13

b. Saints have the constant grace of Jesus.

 Eph. 2:9-10

Rom. 5:2